Learn how to maintain a project yourself. Also learn web development.
Contribute to FOSS to sharpen your programming knowledge
Come up with an imaginary smartphone company and promote it
Apply VFX to a video of yours. Be creative.
Find solutions to everyday problems in your neighborhood
Write a blog about the history and development of the ICT sector in sri lanka in your words
Learn the basic functionality of a To-Do app and make one yourself.
Learn what is web scraping and learn to build one yourself.
Train a ML AI to identify a mobile phone and a book.
Create a simple game that runs in a browser.
Go to hackerrank.com and solve the first 3 questions on your favorite subject.
Make a very simple website about FireBase and host it with firebase.
In this task you have to make a program to automatically grade a student’s marks using any programming language you prefer.
Turtle graphics is a popular python module for introducing programming to students. Using this module, you have to make a program that draws random patterns.
In this task, you have to make a program that automatically outputs a random number between 1 to 6; with a sprite that is used as the dice.
If you have some knowledge in Arduino, this is an easy task for you. Use an Arduino board, a buzzer and other components to make circuit that plays a simple tune by a press of a button.
Pygame is a cross-platform set of Python modules designed for writing video games. So, create a mini game like pong, snake, space invaders, etc.
CodePen is an online community for testing and showcasing user-created HTML, CSS and JavaScript code snippets. Use one of those snippets to elevate your portfolio website.
Build a repository of your choice that requires installation
Identify a common problem in our society and create a solution for it using Arduino
Create and Artificial Intelligence that answers pre-coded questions in CLI
Introduce yourself to GitHub
Make a basic calculator using a programming language of your choice
Make a portfolio website using HTML and CSS And host it on github pages
In this task you have to make an animated text intro for your name.
Create a lyrics video for any song you like
Design your future house using an architecture software
Make a well-detailed 3D figure of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Make a brilliant-looking cover for your favorite book.
Create an animated 3D chart or a graph to show worldwide CoVid-19 infections in the month of May.
Vector Graphics software will let you make scalable images as well as things such as clip arts. Be creative and design 5 clip arts of 5 different hardware components such as RAM, cooling fan, CPU etc. and send them to us in PNG format.
Use a vector graphics software (illustrator, Inkscape) to draw a futuristic wallpaper. You have to draw the whole wallpaper all by yourself When submitting, send us your work in .JPG and SVG formats.
Design an elegant certificate for the winners of BITS. You don't need to stick to the custom structures. Be unique and creative and design a great certificate. You can use any software of your choice when you are designing the certificate. Have fun!
Visit the instagram page of adobe photoshop(https://www.instagram.com/photoshop/?hl=en) and take a look at some of the images to understand how the picture should be. When you’re submitting, send us all the original images that you used to create your work.
In the top left corner of this document, you can see the BITS logo. Understand the structure of the logo to create a 3D version of the BITS logo. You will get more points if you animate the logo.
The Lotus Tower is one of the most significant additions to the skyscape of Colombo. You have to create a 3D model of the Lotus Tower using any software of your choice.
Create a short-animated video about cyber-crimes
Design a t-shirt, cap, pen and a sticker design for Ananda College ICT Society
Make a frame-by-frame stickman character video clip
Design an attractive and simple logo for BITS 2021
Design a race car using any software of your choice and send screenshots
Design a gaming pc using any software of your choice and send screenshots
You have to write a blog about one of your favorite tech Moghul
Write a blog about this subject with your own words.
Follow ACICTS Instagram page
Write an error report for a Blue-screen-of-death you experienced
Use your own words to describe Bitcoin mining
Learn what is an API (Application programming interface) and write and tutorial for absolute beginners
Malware is a major problem for the functionality of a device. So, write a set of instructions to stay safe from malware.
If you have a general interest in information technology, you may have used at least more than 3 operating systems. Write a review about your favourite one. Include images, your likes/dislikes and why it's your favourite.
It has been a week since registrations for BITS have been opened and you probably had a busy week with competing in BITS. Write a blog about your experience in BITS so far to tell others about BITS.
It has been a week since registrations for BITS have been opened; and you probably had a busy week with competing in BITS. Now you have to review the BITS website and tell us everything you liked and didn’t like. It’s okay to be critical when you’re doing this.
BITS 2021 will also be held in next year. You have to create 3 tasks for the 3 categories and submit them. Be unique and reasonable.
By using a flowchart, you can easily understand if anything is wrong with your PC. Make a flowchart on your own to understand the troubleshooting process of an error.
Write a blog on about artificial intelligence on blogger.com
Make a project proposal for an unnique app idea and submit.
Make a PDF tutorial for any software or programming language of your choice.
Report the bugs you find in BITS 2020 website via an e-mail.
Explore what GCI is and create a presentation about the Google-Code-In contest.
Create a getting started guide for BITS