
The online test

A online test will appear on every friday. Competitors have to answer all the questions in the given test


Programmer & Game Developer
May 7 - June 11

This event has finished; projects will be no longer accepted !

Two categories,
Software developing & Game developing

Two age Groups,
6-9 & 10-11

The program or the game can be developed as,
Single/Dual or a Team*
*If a team, there must be atleast 3-6 members.

You can design  any software using any language(Ex: VB,, C#, C+, C++, HTML, Java, JS, PHP, Pascal,...)  for 'Software developing' category. It must be helpful for the users.

You can design any game using any game engine(Ex: Game GURU, FPS creator, Unity, Adobe Flash, Adobe Animate CC, UE4,...) for 'Game developing' category.

For the winner,
 If a team, for one member - 240 points will be divided by the number of members.       
 If dual, for a member - 80 points.
 If a single - 120 points.

For 2nd place,
If a team, for one member - 120 points will be divided by number of members.
 If dual, for a member - 40 points.
 If a single - 60 points.

For 3rd place,
If a team, for one member - 60 points will be divided by the number of members.
If dual, for a member - 20 points.
If a single - 30 points.

The best software and games will be shown at the workshop of the BITS.


May 7 - June 11

This event has finished; projects will be no longer accepted !

Two age Groups,
6-8 & 9-11

Project can be developed as,
Single/Dual or a Team*
*If a team, there must be atleast 3-6 members.

You can make any embedded system for a question in the social using Arduino, Microbit or Raspberry. Your project must be small structure of the solution. It must be easy to carry on.

For the winner,
   If a team, for one member - 240 points will be divided by the number of members. If dual, for a member - 80 points. If a single - 120 points.

For 2nd place,

   If a team, for one member - 120 points will be divided by number of members. If dual, for a member - 40 points. If a single - 60 points.

For 3rd place,
 If a team, for one member - 60 points will be divided by the number of members. If dual, for a member - 20 points. If a single - 30 points.

The best projects will be shown at the workshop of the BITS


Still & Motion Graphics
May 7 - May 21

This event has finished; projects will be no longer accepted !

Four categories,
2D Still Graphics
3D Still Graphics
2D Motion Graphics
3D Motion Graphics

Two age Groups,
6-9 & 10-11

Project can develop as,

A single/Dual or a Team*
*If a team, there must be at least 3 to 6.

You have to design any design related to above categories using any software(Ex:           
    Photoshop, GIMP, Illustrator... for 2D still graphics
   3D Max, Autodesk Maya, Auto Cad,... for 3D still graphics            AfterEffects, Windows Movie Maker, Adobe Animate,... for 2D motion graphics                                                 
3D Max, Blender... for 3D motion graphics).

For the winner,
If a team, for one member - 240 points will be divided by the number of members. If dual, for a member - 80 points. If a single - 120 points.

For 2nd place,
If a team, for one member - 120 points will be divided by number of members. If dual, for a member - 40 points. If a single - 60 points.

For 3rd place,
If a team, for one member - 60 points will be divided by the number of members. If dual, for a member - 20 points. If a single - 30 points.

The best projects will be shown at the workshop of the BITS

How to join?

  • One, Two, More - You can participate in any event you desire !
  • Within time - You have to complete your project within the given time period.
  • Send or Bring - You can send us your project by uploading to Google Drive or or you can bring it to school ICT laboratary. Send us by sending to the email [] by filling out the form above, if you are to bring it to the school, you have to get a hard copy of the form and bring it too.
  • Publish - The best projects will be shown at the workshop of BITS.



> Competition has finished.
> Winners are announced!


Supun Tharinda - 071 152 1074
Binath Lakvidu - 072 800 0516